Celebrity Car Blog: May 2006
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Are You Buying A Stolen Vehicle?

Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Auto and car theft is a crime. In truth, the term “motor vehicle theft” could actually be used to refer to instances where automobiles, buses, motorcycles, snowmobiles, trucks, and other similar means of transportation are stolen. You see, this crime is actually punishable as a felony. This is primarily because this kind of situation causes extreme emotional and economic distress to its victim and to the society as well.

Many automobiles and cars are being stolen every minute. And it could be reflected in the various terms and phrases that has arisen and created to refer to it. Carjacking is one term and it means stealing a vehicle while it is still occupied by the owner or the driver. Another one is joyriding and it refers to stealing a motor vehicle and then later on abandoning it.

Of course, there have been ways and actions that the authorities have come up with to assist consumers and customers with ways to ward off any attempts at stealing their vehicles. In the United States, it is required that motor vehicles have vehicle identification numbers (VIN) and they must be registered with a vehicle licensing authority. If a vehicle has a VIN, it makes reselling a stolen vehicle very hard.

As per statistics, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) claims that a motor vehicle is actually stolen every 25 seconds in the United States and the chances of recovering them dwindle to something much lower than 50 percent.

According to Larry Gamache of Carfax, “Car thieves go into car lots to find vehicles that match the cars they steal. They’ll take off the VIN plate and put it on one they just stole. Then they’ll sell it to someone who has no idea it’s a stolen vehicle.”

With that, it is important to note the VIN of your vehicle before you purchase a car. Try checking the VIN number on the dashboard and compare it with the car’s title documents. You can check it out for discrepancies. And if you find any, it means that something sure is wrong. Gamache also adds, “You should also match that number in other places, including under the hood and at the door jamb on the driver’s side. Then check that vehicle ID number to make sure it matches in all three spots.”

Stealing cars could be rampant however it does not mean that you have to keep your vehicle looking bad and not maintained. You can find quality and impressive Ford Excursion parts and other Ford parts at Ford Parts and Ford Auto Parts. Its collection of Ford parts will surely give your vehicle a boost in performance for all parts have undergone strict quality control measures.

Jason Moore, a 35 year old freelance writer from Austin, Texas. He also works as a marketing analyst for an established auto parts store in the country.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jason_Moore

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6:01 AM :: 0 comments ::

janangel :: permalink

Tips For Dealing With Used Car Repair Shops

Communication is the key to a successful result when dealing with used car repair shops. The first, and most important, aspect is for the car owner to be prepared to explain the problem in detail. It may be helpful to have an idea when the problem first began and whether it is a constant or sporadic occurrence. The technicians at the used car repair shop will be able to better understand the problem and possibly locate it faster with the help of the car owner. For instance, if the problem is most noticeable when the brakes are applied or during acceleration, this will be important information for the used car repair shop.

While explaining the automobile’s problem to a used car repair shop, it will be ideal if the car owner could provide a written list of the symptoms that their car is experiencing. It is also important that the car owner not suggest a remedy, but rather allow the used car repair shop technician to diagnose the problem and offer a suggested course of action to repair the problem. The technician is a professional who is knowledgeable with cars and what to look for, so it will not make the process any quicker if the car owner is suggesting a remedy before the technician has had an opportunity to inspect the car.

The car owner should not be embarrassed to ask questions or request more detailed information regarding automotive terms. There is truth in the adage that indicates, “there is no such thing as a stupid question.” While it is important to ask plenty of questions, it is equally important for a car owner to refrain from demanding an immediate diagnosis. It is best for the owner to leave a telephone number, at which he/she may be contacted, with the used car repair shop. The best idea is to request an update, cost estimate and approximate time of completion prior to the actual work beginning.

If the used car repair shop informs the car owner that new equipment must be installed, the owner should inquire about warranties and any available guarantee. If either exists, the information should be provided in writing and a copy given to the car owner for his/her records. It is also a good idea to inquire about payment options. Some used car repair shops may allow their customers to make convenient monthly payments after the work has been done, while many require immediate payment in the form of cash, money order, check or credit card.

Find more about Toyota used cars and how to find an used cars value on http://www.usedcarspace.com/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Aurel_Radulescu

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6:00 AM :: 0 comments ::

janangel :: permalink

Solar House and Car Combo Gives You Energy to Cruise

Solar Technology is becoming more and more efficient and in the last five years we have seen solar cells which are five times as efficient and only 40% the costs. Additionally battery technology is about ready to match that as well. Economies of scale and sharp-minded entrepreneurial firms will indeed make all this technology available to the average citizen within the coming decade.

Which means you might have a solar house, which is very efficient and could handle all your energy needs and have some left over. Some say they want to sell energy back to the grid that they do not use. Yet if you have an electric car, why not use it to charge up your car. And today most electric cars can only go 250 miles, but in the future they will go five times that far or 1000 miles.

What does all this mean? It means no more gasoline and American, but more specifically you and your family household can be energy free and you will have broken you addiction to foreign Middle Eastern Oil once and for all? How probable is this future? Well very probable and some people are already doing it, in fact it is starting to really catch on. Can you see yourself living off the grid using solar energy to power up your house and your hybrid or fully electric car too? Consider all this in 2006.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; http://www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lance_Winslow

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6:00 AM :: 0 comments ::

janangel :: permalink

Do We Need A Universal Bumper Height Standard?

Just about everything to do with vehicle safety is regulated. From seat belts to side curtain airbags, everything must meet a minimum standard. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration helps to develop these safety standards. According to their website, "The NHTSA serves as the catalyst for addressing critical safety issues that affect the motor vehicle and highway safety communities." Yet it has failed to implement a critical safety standard; a universal bumper height standard that applies to passenger cars, SUV's, minivans, and light trucks. The current standard, which was last revised on May 14 1982, only applies to passenger cars. With SUV's and light trucks making up 3 of the 5 best selling vehicles in the United States, isn't it time our safety regulations are updated?

Decades ago universal bumper height wasn't a critical issue. Most vehicles were within a few inches of each other height wise, thus the bumpers were more or less lined up. Today, with Escalades and Explorers sharing the roads with Escorts and Accents, it's just as likely that a car will be hit by a larger vehicle than one its own size.

Most vehicles cover the actual bumper (comprised of foam and steel on most cars) with a plastic piece that better integrates with the exterior design. Pick-ups and some SUV's chrome the bumper. What we can't see is the complex engineering that's in place to distribute the force of an impact as evenly as possible across the crumple zones. These crumple zones absorb the impact with the intention of leaving the passenger compartment intact. Bumpers are designed to hit other bumpers, thus the crumple zones of both vehicles absorb the force of an accident. Sensors for the airbags are also integrated into many bumpers.

When a vehicle with a substantially higher bumper hits a lower vehicle from behind, the higher bumper hits the trunk of the lower vehicle, bypassing the bumper and parts of the crumple zone that are designed to fold in an accident. As such, more of the force reaches the passenger compartment. SUV's often weigh 50% more than an average car. The added momentum can't be slowed down and absorbed by the car effectively if the SUV rides up on the hood or trunk.

Many manufacturers have recognized the effects of when an SUV hits a lower car. The 1998 Mercedes-Benz M-Class was the first SUV to introduce "crash compatibility" to the SUV segment. Unlike most sport utility vehicles, the M-Class frame was designed so that it was unlikely to override a passenger car's body structure in a collision.

Critics see a problem with having a universal bumper height standard as it may reduce the approach and departure angles for some SUVs. These angles refer to a vehicle's ability to drive over an obstacle without damaging the front or rear bumpers. About 3% of SUV's are taken off road and virtually 100% of vehicles are used on the road; the priority should go to on road safety not off road convenience.

A universal bumper height standard makes sense for every driver out there.

Peter Johnson writes for http://www.all-about-car-selection.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Peter_J.H._Johnson

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5:59 AM :: 0 comments ::

janangel :: permalink

History of Gas Prices

How do finance professionals in the gas market analyze the financial futures related to gas? Given the constantly fluctuating market prices, calculating the financial future may not possible without a solid set of ‘instruments’.

The history of gas prices is a powerful indicator of future trends. Gas market professionals use price history to gain invaluable insight into the gas markets, regardless of whether they buy or sell physical gas or deal with gas financial futures. Professionals undertake a comparison of the current and historical situations, along with the factors that give rise to these, and determine the particular direction of gas price movements.

In the commodities futures markets, one can also witness the presence of a wide variety of gas derivative instruments that help to enhance financial performance in physical markets. These instruments are used by professionals to derive information that enables producers and consumers to seek precautionary measures against sudden price fluctuations, apart from serving as powerful vehicles of speculative investment.

Price histories help gas professionals to get the big picture. The analyses undertaken by gas market professionals are powered by data on the real-time gas price, the price history, the trading volume history and other information. Using these parameters, gas market professionals observe price trends and trading patterns, and make informed decisions. Professionals also use price histories to gauge spreads and difference between prices, on futures contracts. For example, professionals might like to use price history to be able to hedge against price risks. Today, more than half of the states in the US use financial tools like futures contracts and weather risk insurance to stabilize the prices of gas.

Price histories also help chart out particular trends in gas prices, and they are correlated and compared to gas instruments in the energy or other financial markets. Gas price history has emerged as a widely accepted analytical tool to understand market fluctuations in gas. Combined with an analysis of seasonality, gas price histories can provide a powerful look into the future.

Gas Prices provides detailed information on Gas Prices, Natural Gas Prices, Propane Gas Prices, History of Gas Prices and more. Gas Prices is affiliated with Gas Prices.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jimmy_Sturo

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5:59 AM :: 0 comments ::

janangel :: permalink

Auto Detailing and Removing Odor in Vehicles

Auto Detailing can be a very rewarding job for the meticulous, professional technician and car buff. For some 27 years before retiring I had run a business cleaning cars, aircraft, boats, etc, and one issue which was always at issue was removing the smell or odor in customers' cars.

Knowing which product to use is one of the biggest keys to success in auto detailing. Since retiring I have written a number of articles on the subject of interior auto detailing. Recently I received an email from an auto detailer who asked me to clarify on which is the best product to remove odor and the detailer stated;

“I read your review on the product; Forceout. You mentioned that you do not swear by it but it is one of your approved products. Could you please let me know what product you do swear by for pet stains, pet odor and smoke odor?”

Well this is an excellent question indeed; For Stain Remover I like Folex. For odor removal I like "odor eater" but, really the best way to remove odor is to use an Ozone Machine, but for a mobile detailer that maybe out of the budget and not something you have room for on your rig or even time on the job to use, as it takes about an hour, then you have to let the car air-out because ozone can be harmful.

Forceout, works good too and to this day I use it in my motor home and it works good for many things. Including any bathroom, behind refrigerator with moisture, etc. It seems their product would be better for even home use. In aircraft having a small squirt bottle of it makes a lot of sense and it is simple to use and it only takes one squirt. I have written several articles on "Interior Detailing" here for your benefit;


There are certain things which work better on different materials and situations, but one thing is important do not spray any odor removal or odor masking products onto plastic clear dashboard areas or any of the newer after market auto accessories, which have plastic clear coatings to resemble wood grain or help accent the interiors. I hope this answers all your questions on removing odor for the professional auto detailer. Consider this in 2006.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; http://www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lance_Winslow

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5:56 AM :: 0 comments ::

janangel :: permalink

Investigation of Gas Prices on Big Oil

Can the United States of America citizens trust the Federal Trade Commission as they investigate possible price gouging at the gas pumps? Personally I've been studying the Federal Trade Commission since 1998 and I must be perfectly honest; the Federal Trade Commission is the biggest bunch of liars I have ever met and this is my sole opinion, but it is based on personal meetings, direct observation and actual documented experience. The Federal Trade Commission is a group of liars and are completely full of ship.

The Federal Trade Commission has been known to coax complaintants and declarants into misrepresenting facts in order to win a case. Further, it has been proven that they will file these complaints in a secret court, while contacting the media and putting their spin and public relations into play. Is that really the type of agency we needed the United States of America? I don't think so.

As far as truth, justice and the American Way are concerned I personally do not believe you'll ever find that at the Justice Department's Federal Trade Commission and certainly not their Consumer Protection Division. It is been my experience that they lie. If we cannot trust our government’s Justice Department, which the Federal Trade Commission is a part of; the little agency under the Justice Department then we cannot trust our government.

The Federal Trade Commission’s budget should be cut by 50% this year and then halved again the year after. All employees should be laid off and be disgorged of their retirements, chipped with RFID Satellite Tags and forbidden to go into private practice for 10-years.

I applaud President Bush and the administration for looking into the matter of possible price gouging because I believe that someone needs to curtail the mass media hysteria, which is pointing fingers at the oil companies for participating in the free market system and delivering to our nation our overwhelming desire for gasoline. Perhaps it is good to use the Federal Trade Commission because in my opinion they suck. But even a worthless agency like the FTC [personal opinion-free speech] will obviously figure out the truth about supply and demand and free market business practices.

And really all this investigation is BS anyway and the resultant of the Ayn Rand affect; where the over incited mob of our population simply wants to complain. You see, no one is entitled to Low prices and somehow our population has turned socialists and believe they are owed something and entitled. Of course it has been my experience of the Federal Trade Commission that they are a bunch of liberal socialists scum. That is my opinion on the matter and I know damn good and well when talking about. [I claim free speech so Deal With It!] Consider this in 2006.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; http://www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lance_Winslow

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5:54 AM :: 0 comments ::

janangel :: permalink

Gasoline Prices Going Through the Roof


Here we go again. I guess now the "proof is in the pudding" and it is time for us to face reality.

Gas prices are not going back down and is now said to be going up, again, to an average of over $3.00 per gallon.

This will be the highest jump in gasoline prices we have had since January this year. The increase of gasoline clearly does not only affect the people but also our economy.

Back when gasoline reached over $2.00 per gallon you could see lower sales of SUV's and other large vehicles. People just could not afford to drive these type cars and trucks.

Just imagine what will happen now when prices exceed $3.00.

Not only will it affect our economy on a larger scale but for a lot of people it may be devastating.

Personally I cannot drive my car as much as I would like to. I actually have to limit my driving and make priorities of when do I really have to go somewhere.

Think about this. The minimum wage is around $5.50 in the USA. This means after you pay your state taxes, federal taxes and FICA. Of that hours work you are basically left with enough money to buy one gallon of gasoline which might take you 15-20 miles down the road. (Not to mention the price of gasoline is loaded with more Federal and State taxes.) In other words you have to work one hour to be able to drive for 15 minutes.

Gee, they say owning a car is a luxury and a privilege. Time for a reality check again.

For most Americans a car is a basic necessity. Is the government mentioning that they will do anything about this? (Like lower the Federal and State taxes on gasoline) NO! They are not.

Millions of Americans are already living below the poverty level today and how many will be considered to live below the poverty level after this increase in gasoline? A lot more people will have to seek help from the already strained welfare system just to feed their families. Children will go hungry so mom and dad can get to work to at least keep a roof over the family's head.

Are we really a people that are so easily led? Don’t we have enough gumption and guts to stand up and say enough is enough or if nothing else demand something in return? (Like an increase in wages or a cheaper barrel of oil from Iraq that we are pouring billions and billions of U.S. tax dollars into) I got a question what is the price of gasoline in Iraq? Did you know that the U.S government is subsidizing the price of gasoline for the people of Iraq. Just guess what people in Iraq are paying for a gallon of gasoline? Please sit down before we tell you. 5 CENTS a gallon. Whats wrong with this picture?

You might think "OH WELL" welfare will take care of these people. What if it will actually affect you? This extra money you will have to pay for gasoline might be the money that would enable you to have cable TV. a computer or a cell phone. It will not be very nice to give this up, will it?

Before it all gets out of hand let us try to do something, demand something. After all we are supposed to be a government for the people, by the people. ARE WE NOT?

Our family took steps to lower our spending on fuel. We tried many products from oils, liquids, attachments and researched every product out there to no avail found nothing that worked.

Until one day I was taking a taxi and the driver told me about this revolutionary new product that he had been using for months to increase his gas mileage, he said the whole Taxi cab company was using it and they increased their gas mileage by as much as 25%. He kindly gave me a few tablets to try. I took the tablets with great skepticism and tried them and to my surprise it really did work. The pills increased my mileage by about 20%. I vowed to tell the world about this product so here is a site to read more about the product www.CarCrow.com

Thanks for reading our Blog,

D. Crow

David Crowton is the founder of CrowSites.com and is currently making an attempt a recreational writing for more info you can go to http://www.CrowSites.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=David_Crowton

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5:53 AM :: 0 comments ::

janangel :: permalink

Honda Super Cub and 50cc Honda Cub - The Volkswagen Beetle of Motorcycles!

A very clever design: the Honda Super Cub was the combination of a moped and a scooter. It attracted many people due to its friendly and non intimidating look. People who before had felt threatened by bigger motorcycles, approached and adopted this model very quickly.

It was a versatile motorcycle and had enough power to carry two passengers or a passenger with luggage. Its large diameter tires and wide seats made the ride almost as comfortable as the touring bikes from that time.

>> Honda 50cc Cub and Super Cub FACTS

- In 1952 Honda built 7000 units of this bike which represented the 70% of the entire production of Japanese motorcycles for that year.

- Thanks to this model Honda Motorcycles were absolute market leaders during 1953 and 1954.

It’s worth mentioning that those were very competitive days. There were many manufacturers competing for a very fast growing and demanding market.

- The Honda Super Cub was the equivalent of the Ford T or the Volkswagen Beetle for automobiles. As of 1992 Honda Motorcycles had built 20 million of these machines.

- The Honda 50cc Super Cub was exported to 120 countries.

As the Volkswagen Beetle, the Honda Super Cub didn't change much through time. Just take a look at the technical data below:

1959 Honda Super Cub Specifications

-> Four stroke horizontal engine.
-> 49 cc of displacement
-> Three speed semi-automatic gearbox.
-> U-shaped frame in stamped steel.
-> Weight: 155 lbs. (70 kg.)
-> Speed: 35 mph (57 kph)

1992 Honda Super Cub Specifications

-> Four stroke horizontal engine.
-> 49 cc of displacement
-> Three speed semi-automatic gearbox.
-> U-shaped frame in stamped steel.
-> *Weight: 122 lbs. (55 kg.)
-> *Speed: 50 mph (80 kph)

Enjoy the ride!

Daniel Levy

Daniel Levy is the owner and contributing writer of http://www.Japanese-Motorcycles-Only.com . He loves motorcycles and Web development. For more great info visit http://www.japanese-motorcycles-only.com/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Daniel_Levy

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5:52 AM :: 0 comments ::

janangel :: permalink

Mini Moto Tips

These are some quick adjustments and tips for the B1 liquid cooled minimoto that I have found helpful.

Extra heat protection:

To protect the bike I've put some aluminium tape on the inside of the fairing at the closest point to the exhaust and on the underside of the fuel tank. I?ve done this because the engine gets so hot I wanted to protect the fairing from melting, and it doesn't hurt to protect the fuel tank for the same reasons!

My cooling system tips:

When you run out of cooling liquid for your B1 rep, use is distilled water which is available at your local garage, add some food colouring to it so that you can easily tell the level and away you go.

Only fill the reservoir to a quarter full, this is easily enough coolant and it leaves room for the pressure.

Once you have filled the coolant reservoir, there is often air locks in the system. To get rid of these start the bike and allow it to warm up, then bounce the bike (gently) on its back tyre with the bike vertical. Do this a few times, this should get rid of the air locks in the system and prevent overheating. The coolants level may need to be topped up now.

Where not to ride:

Hi just bought my new B1 air cooled from you guys. Thanks it's a great bike. A quick word of advice for your other customers. DO NOT RIDE YOUR MINI MOTO ON THE ROAD. My friend (who also rides a mini moto, but on tracks where they are supposed to be ridden!) is a police man (boooo!) and the law is very strict:

The driver or rider of a motorised board or cycle on a road could face heavy fines, endorsement of licence, disqualification and in the case of dangerous driving, up to 2 years imprisonment.

Remember that the term road includes not only a carriageway but also pavements and verges and also any highway which encompasses footpaths, bridleways and by-ways.

It can also include privately owned roads to which the public have access and has in some cases included car parks?

Car park warriors beware!!!???

Here's a good tip. Before riding your mini moto you will need to make sure that your wheels and chain are aligned. Here's how. Loosen the bolts on the back wheel so that you can move it. Place a piece of perfectly straight wood (I used a meter stick) up against the front wheel. When the front wheel is straight the meter stick should be flush against both the front of the tyre and the back. Then it's a simple case of lining up the back wheel. The chain should now also be straight.

Changing the gearing on your mini moto is simple. A bigger front sprocket combined with a smaller rear sprocket creates a smaller ratio, this means that the mini moto will have better accelelaration but less top spead. A smaller front sprocket with a bigger back sprocket will give your mini moto a better top speed but slower acceleration.

Here are the possible variations of gearing: The lower the ratio the faster acceleration. The higher ratio, the better the top speed.

8/54 6.75>1
8/56 7>1
8/58 7.25>1
8/60 7.5>1
7/54 7.714285714>1
8/62 7.75>1
7/56 8>1
8/64 8>1
7/56 8>1
8/66 8.25>1
7/58 8.285714286>1
8/68 8.5>1
7/60 8.571428571>1
8/70 8.75>1
7/62 8.857142857>1
8/72 9>1
6/54 9>1
7/64 9.142857143>1
8/74 9.25>1
6/56 9.333333333>1
7/66 9.428571429>1
8/76 9.5>1
6/58 9.666666667>1
7/68 9.714285714>1
8/78 9.75>1
6/60 10>1
7/70 10>1
7/72 10.28571429>1
6/62 10.33333333>1
7/74 10.57142857>1
6/64 10.66666667>1
7/76 10.85714286>1
6/66 11>1
7/78 11.14385714>1
6/68 11.33333333>1
6/70 11.66666667>1
6/72 12>1
6/74 12.33333333>1
6/76 12.66666667>1
6/78 13>1

I tried 7/56 with my B1 Rep at GP Karting, I think that this is just about right for that track as it has lotts of tight corners. Might go to Stretton soon so I can try my 7/68 setup. This should be good for the straights however it may take a while to get up to speed!!

Matt Tong has been importing and riding Mini Motos for two years. For expert advice and Mini Moto information please visit http://www.minimotosandmore.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Matt_Tong

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5:51 AM :: 0 comments ::

janangel :: permalink

Kawasaki Motorcycles - Independent in Thoughts and Actions

The story of Kawasaki Company goes back to 1924, at that time involved into metallurgy and the aircraft industry.

In 1949, they decided to enter the motorcycle industry producing engines that could be adapted to motorcycles.


In their line you could find a 60 cc two-stroke, as well as a 150cc and a 250cc four-stroke engines developed with technology from BMW; company whom with they had had relationships since their beginnings in the aeronautical industry.

It wasn't until 1954 that Kawasaki Motorcycles produced their first complete motorcycle under the name of Meihatsu (a subsidiary of Kawasaki Aircraft Co.).

Almost at the same time, they also tried to introduce their own line of scooters to the market, but they soon realized they couldn't compete against the two giants of the scooters industry for those days: the Fuji Rabbit and the Mitsubishi Silver Pigeon.

And now before continuing with Kawasaki Motorcycles history, I have to open a big parenthesis…


We cannot talk about Kawasaki without mentioning another make that will definitely help Kawasaki become as well as Honda, Suzuki, and Yamaha one of the big players in the Japanese Motorcycles scene:

--> Meguro Motorcycles: better know in that time as the "senior make and the king of four strokes".

Meguro entered the motorcycle industry in 1937. Having a good relationship with the government, the people at Meguro took advantage of the army orders.

Their first motorcycle was the Z97: a 500cc rocker-valve motorcycle influenced by the Swiss Motosacoche. It's worth mentioning this model was a success for the factory and the Z97 was in production till the fifties.

Along the years, Meguro produced some very nice 250cc and 350cc rocker-valve, single cylinder models as well as high performance twins. All of them with a very strong British influence. Then and thanks to the commercial success they were living, they also launched a rocker-valve 125 cc for their low end range and a twin cylinder 650cc to accompany the already existing 500cc.

But it was in 1958, when Meguro tried to get rid of their British influence, when things started to go wrong...

Based on a winning prototype of Mount Asama (one of the biggest races that time), Meguro Motorcycles produced three nice and elegant machines with overhead camshaft: the 125cc E3, the 250cc F and the 350cc Y A. Unfortunately these bikes turned out to be too heavy and didn't get the buyers' attention. Meguro will soon return to rocker valve models.

Meguro Motorcycles remained as one of the top 10 manufacturers till 1960, but due to some bad decisions, as the ones mentioned above, the company started to decline and was soon bought by Kawasaki.

In 1960 Meguro signed an initial agreement with Kawasaki Motorcycles, and in 1962 they had completely disappeared.

….And this brings us back to Kawasaki Motorcycles...

In 1960, the company decides to give a serious push to the motorcycle division of Kawasaki Aircrafts:

They take out of the market the Meihatsu brand, they build their own plant of low end and low powered machines and buy Meguro.

These brilliant moves and decisions made Kawasaki Motorcycles have one of the widest range of models in the market. Kawasaki Motorcycles could offer at that time (1960's) from a 50cc moped-scooter to a powerful, high end and beautiful 650 cc twin cylinder motorcycle.

Its also important to mention that due to their very own nature, Kawasaki Motorcycles has always played the role of Maverick in the industry and that a feeling of independence from their main competitors has always been present.

Since then, many stories have been written, many models have been produced and many races have been won on Kawasaki Motorcycles, the truth is...

Nowadays Kawasaki Motorcycles is one of the major players in the industry and following their tradition, they nowadays offer a wide range of products for all kind needs and likes.

You can also take a look at Kawasaki 2005 line-up . Check this page: http://www.kawasaki.com/motorcycles/

Enjoy the ride!

Daniel Levy @ www.Japanese-Motorcycles-Only.com

Note from the author:

Do you own a Kawasaki or any other Japanese motorcycle? Why don't you send me your picture and your story, I would happily add it to this site.

Just go to the Contact Page clicking here and drop me a message. I will get in contact with you ASAP.

Daniel Levy is the owner and contributing writer of http://www.Japanese-Motorcycles-Only.com . He loves motorcycles and Web development. For more great info visit http://www.japanese-motorcycles-only.com/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Daniel_Levy

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janangel :: permalink

Zen and the Art of the Long Way Round

On a quiet Sunday morning, I was surfing the cable channels for some background noise. When to my delight, I come across a couple of gentlemen riding their BMW enduro motorcycles from London to New York by going east through Russia. Yes Russia. This of course had me captivated how someone could plan and organize such a feat, as well as, has the stamina to handle a three-month trek through hostile riding conditions.

To my further surprise the two riders were Charley Boorman and Ewan McGregor – both actors by trade. The cable channel was running a marathon on the entire journey. Watching this motorcycling adventure quickly became addicting. Like watching episodes of 24 on DVD, you just cannot look away.

As Ewan McGregor stated, ultimately, the entire documentary is about 2 blokes riding their motorbikes. The concept is as pure and simple as that – very Zen like. The journey took months of planning. From getting visas to getting in shape physically and practicing riding their donated BMW R 1150 GS Adventure on rough terrain.

Watching the preparation unfold, I was curious as to who was paying for this adventure. Sure both riders have enough money between themselves to have covered the costs and more. But they decided to make this a charity event. Proceeds from the documentary, books, and the selling of the bikes would all be donated to charities such as, Unicef, Macmillan Cancer Relief, and CHAS – Children’s Hospice Association Scotland.

Manufacturers such as, BMW, Snap-On, Arai, Fox, etc. sponsored the event. Charley and Ewan looked at several motorcycles from which to pick for their adventure. They first entertained the idea of using the KTM motorcycle. KTM even sent in a consultant that road the treacherous part of Siberia that was t o be traveled by Ewan and Charley. The KTM consultant had his doubts in the riders succeeding with their adventure. KTM decided to abruptly pull their sponsorship of the ride and no longer offered up the KTM bikes. KTM corporate handled this situation in a very unprofessional and rude manner. In hindsight, this has got to be the biggest marketing blunder ever undertaken. Whoever made that decision at KTM should be fired. Why do I say this, well BMW comes to the rescue and donates two of their sweet R 1150 GS Adventure Enduro motorcycles. The amount of incredibly positive advertising this created for BMW far outweighed the costs of donating the two bikes. KTM , what a very dumb move on your part. Now when I see a KTM sitting in a show room, I kind of laugh at it, thinking of their blunder. Needless to say, I really want to buy a BMW enduro motorcycle now and be like Charley and Ewan.

As I watch the journey unfold, what really became apparent is that you really begin to see the real character of these two riders. These guys love riding motorcycles and meeting new peoples and seeing the world. As Ewan mentioned, we are all quite the same. Their personalities made me really respect both Charley and Ewan. They are very grounded; their focus on visiting charities throughout the ride was very touching and put things in perspective. Watching the documentary unfold, you really started to end up liking these chaps. Ewan’s remarks how everyplace looked like Scotland and that the Scots created the world was very funny.

This “Long Way Round” adventure took place in June 2004. Since then, I read that the BMW R 1150 GS motorcycles used were auctioned off for twenty thousand dollars and the proceeds donated to charity. All of the proceeds from the DVD and book sales go to charity. Very admirable that these guys could take their passion for motorcycling and turn in into a life changing event that not only benefited them, but also helped so many others through their charitable giving.

This is one of those adventures that can really impact your life and how you view the state of things. I am not only amazed by the technical aspects of the journey, the motorcycle, riding gear, mechanical procedures. The human side of the story and the Zen-like experience these rider went through on their journey also amazes me.

So as not to summarize the entire documentary, I encourage you to check it out for yourselves. Do it soon, Ewan McGregor is planning another ride from London to the southern tip of Africa. I bet he won’t be riding a crappy KTM, but rather the 2005 motorcycle of the year, the BMW R 1200 GS.

At the remote chance Ewan or Charley stumble across this organic review of their adventure, I just want to say thanks.

Contributing author to Cycle Solutions and Kingpin Cruisers

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jim_Noss

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5:49 AM :: 0 comments ::

janangel :: permalink

Avail Car Loans And Let Your Dreams Come True

Car loans may enable you to be behind the steering of that elusive new Porsche 911 Turbo. You might have been dreaming about that Porsche since a long time but without car loans you were finding it difficult to manage the finances required for such a car. The present day car loans market in UK is fiercely competitive due to the presence of large number of lenders and it is just a matter of choice for you to get car loans at cheap rate of interest.

Car loans make it easier for the borrower to purchase the car and repay the loan amount through easily manageable installments that matches with the repaying capacity of the borrower. Car loans can be easily availed in the UK financial market with so fierce a competition existing there that you can be sure to get a best deal on car loans.

Car loans are generally secured loans since the financed car usually serves as collateral for the loan amount. The lender gets an assurance in the form of collateral. The risk undertaken by the lender gets minimized in the presence of collateral and this enables the lender to offer car loans at low rate of interest. The borrower gets all the benefits of a secured loan like longer repayment period, small installments and low rate of interest. You only need to make it sure that you repay your installments well in time so as to avoid any action by the money lender that may result in the repossession of your favourite car.

Car loan approval doesn’t take much time especially if you have a good credit record. A bad credit may however cause some delay because the lender needs to make it sure that you can afford to repay the loan amount along with the interest.

The author is a business writer specializing in finance and credit products and has written authoritative articles on the finance industry. He has done his masters in Business Administration and is currently assisting E-secured-Loans as a finance specialist. for more information our site http://www.longdogfinance.co.uk.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Carol_Grace

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5:48 AM :: 0 comments ::

janangel :: permalink

How to Find a Good Auto Loan

The best time to find a good auto loan is the time when you finally made up your mind about what you want to buy and how much do you think you can pay for.

For having the best prices you should look around, compare the quotes and finally select the one which offers the best deal, with low rates and realistic interests. There are many companies that attract their customers with enticing schemes and mouth-watering discounts.

How to Find a Good Auto Loan

Looking out for a lender - The first thing you need to do is actually find a lender of such loan. There are many banks, companies, institutions, private lenders and online lenders, who offer to provide loan to the consumer. Since the start of internet it has been really easy to find the right kind of dealer.

Estimation of an EMI - You should look out for the EMI that requires you to pay each month as fixed under the contract with the dealer. You need to check whether the amount of EMI is affordable for you, whether or not you can manage to pay out that amount from your salary. You should not be attracted to the easy interest rates, fixed by the dealer to befool the consumer. The consumer must repay the amount of loan in equal installments every month and then his monthly interest is decided on the balance remaining, to be paid, and not the entire amount of the loan.

Fees involved with processing and other things - There are many fees related to the loan that the consumer needs to pay. Fees for the processing of such loan are a major initial expense. The fee is charged on the amount that you applied for and not the amount that you have been sanctioned. These charges are typically not fixed.

Penalty fee - You must look out for a lender who does not charge any kind of penalty for pre-payment of such loans. Because this can be more of a hassle to the consumer and would create problems in his paying back of loan by unnecessarily increasing the amount of money that he needs to pay back for the auto loan.

Are you planning to buy a car? Visit Auto Loans Center for the latest news and information on bad credit auto loans. You will also find information on online auto loans.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alex_Fir

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5:27 AM :: 0 comments ::

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